Mukai Systems



$ cat attendance.p
((2022 04 20)
 ; Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
 ;                 1  2
 ;  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
 ; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
 ; 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
 ; 24 25 26 27 28 XX 30
 (01 "09:30" "18:15")
 (04 "09:45" "17:30")
 (28 "10:00" "16:00"))


((2022 12 20)
; Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
;              1  2  3
;  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
; 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
; 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
; 25 26 27 28 XX XX XX
 (01 "09:30" "17:00"))


$ paren man ams(1)

ams - attendance management system.


    ams [OPTION] ... [FILE] ...

Read attendance information from standard input or `FILE` and output summary to stand
ard output.

See `ams(5)` for attendance information format specifications.


        All subject to.
        Estimate the change in working hours if working at current levels.
    -E HOUR
        Estimate the change in working hours if working HOUR hours per day.
    -h HOUR
        Specify HOUR for the target monthly working hours instead of 140.
        Output in long format when -v option is enabled.
    -m MONTHS
        MONTHS are considered as the month to be counted.
        The default is this month.
        Suppress summary.
        Display a table of hours worked per day against the number of working days an
d exit.
    -y YEARS
        YEARS are considered as the year to be counted.
        The default is this year.
        Output working hours verbosely.

Reads attendance information from the file `attendance.p` and display a summary of ti
me and attendance information.

    $ paren ams attendance.p

Reads attendance information from the file `attendance.p` and display only the hours
worked per day.

    $ paren ams -vs attendance.p

Reads attendance information from the file `attendance.p` and displays a summary of 1
60 hours per month of target working hours.

    $ paren ams -l160 attendance.p

Read attendance information from the file `attendance.p` and display data from `2020`
 to `2022` and `2024`.

    $ paren ams -y2020-2022,2024 attendance.p

- `cal(1)`
- `ldate(1)`
- `ams(5)`



$ paren ams attendance.p
(:year 2022 :month 12 :total (:day 1 :h 6.5 :h/day 6.5) :rest (:day 19 :h 133.5 :h/day 7.026316))


$ paren ams -e attendance.p
(:year 2022 :month 12 :total (:day 1 :h 6.5 :h/day 6.5) :rest (:day 19 :h 133.5 :h/day 7.026316))
(:days 19 :h 133.5 :h/day 7.026316)
(:days 18 :h 127 :h/day 7.055556)
(:days 17 :h 120.5 :h/day 7.088235)
(:days 16 :h 114 :h/day 7.125)
(:days 15 :h 107.5 :h/day 7.166667)
(:days 14 :h 101 :h/day 7.214286)
(:days 13 :h 94.5 :h/day 7.269231)
(:days 12 :h 88 :h/day 7.333333)
(:days 11 :h 81.5 :h/day 7.409091)
(:days 10 :h 75 :h/day 7.5)
(:days 9 :h 68.5 :h/day 7.611111)
(:days 8 :h 62 :h/day 7.75)
(:days 7 :h 55.5 :h/day 7.928571)
(:days 6 :h 49 :h/day 8.166667)
(:days 5 :h 42.5 :h/day 8.5)
(:days 4 :h 36 :h/day 9)
(:days 3 :h 29.5 :h/day 9.833333)
(:days 2 :h 23 :h/day 11.5)
(:days 1 :h 16.5 :h/day 16.5)




$ Get-WinEvent -ListProvider *Kernel*
Name     : Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Licensing-StartServiceTrigger
LogLinks : {}
Opcodes  : {}
Tasks    : {}

Name     : Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-XDV
LogLinks : {Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-XDV/Analytic, System}
Opcodes  : {win:Start, win:Stop}
Tasks    : {}



$ Get-WinEvent -ProviderName `
    Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Boot, `
    Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-General, `
    Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power | `
  Select-Object -Property TimeCreated

  2022/12/01 10:45:25
  2022/12/01 10:44:56
